

In the United Church of Canada, children and adults of any age may become candidates for baptism. For adults, baptism is an opportunity to profess their faith in the midst of the congregation and to make a commitment to follow the way of Christ. When children are baptized, believing parents speak on their behalf and make a commitment, along with the congregation, to nurture the children in the Christian faith, so they can make their own affirmation in due time. In either case, baptism is a sacred moment in the life of the person, and of the church, as we rejoice together in the wonderful gift of new life that has been given to us by God.

Here are some of the meanings baptism holds for us:
Baptism is an affirmation that you are a child of God;
you are beloved and precious.
Baptism is your initiation into the membership of the Christian church;
you belong.
Baptism is a celebration of new life, a clean start;
you are a new person.
Baptism is the work of the Holy Spirit;
you are called and claimed and blessed by God.
Baptism is just the beginning;
you are on a journey of faith that lasts a lifetime.

If you would like to speak to the minister about baptism, for yourself or for your child, please go to our contact page.

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